Baraboo is (always) Open for business

In Wisconsin, spring time (or in the case of today, February 26th) conditions don’t just bring the welcoming sounds of chirping birds and other lovely signs of liveliness; It’s the time for road construction season, too. It means planning ahead an alternative route to your destination whether that be work or dropping kids off at school. It can be an extra chore that we don’t look forward to, regardless of how temporary the road work is. That being said, here we are with the start of the next phase of the Highway 33 Reconstruction Project. While this project is being done in many phases, creating alternative routes, and will be heavy on the Baraboo community over the course of the next 10 months, we have one thing we need to strongly emphasize: Baraboo is (Always) Open for Business.
Baraboo thrives off tourism, but especially our local community members (That’s YOU). Local businesses and organizations are dependent on us making the effort to drive, walk, bike ride to their store. It will be a little bit different to get there during this time, but it will always be worth it to remain invested. If we can get through a pandemic, we can certainly get through road construction.
This is without a doubt another pivotal moment in time where we need to work together and promote each other. From sharing Facebook posts, websites, exchanging of information to keep everyone aware that dining, shopping, and activities are ready and welcoming to provide the ultimate customer experience, sprinkled with that iconic “Baraboo magical charm.” Let’s remain patient with the road work, the hard working crew striving to get it done in good time, all for the betterment of community.
More information regarding the Highway 33 Reconstruction project can be found below, courtesy of the City of Baraboo. This includes a map indicating open and closed street sections, maps of detours, etc (all courtesy of the City of Baraboo).
Remember: Baraboo is Open for Business. Come and Discover the Real Baraboo.

Highway 33 Reconstruction Detailed Information (Courtesy of the City of Baraboo/Highway 33 Reconstruction Official Page):
“As most of you know the Highway 33 project starts Monday 26th and will last about 10 months. The roads will be closed starting around 5-5:30 a.m. Here is a map of all of the roads that are going to be open and closed. The RED lines mean there is no through traffic. You will NOT be able to cross whatsoever at those intersections. The GREEN means that those intersections and part of the road will be open for you to travel upon. These roads WILL change frequently. They could change every day, once a week but I will post the updated version as the road construction changes. I know that there is a lot of inconvenience with the road construction. We just ask that you plan ahead for your travels. There are many roads that are going to have more traffic than normal considering the road closures so please slow down and be considerate towards the Families that live upon these Streets and Roads. Also a reminder that there is no cutting through parking lots. Some parking lots will be closed because of this. It is too dangerous for cars to be cutting through parking lots, especially with families and elderly using those parking lots.
As the stages change I will post advance notices. I will repeat the post so that when the road construction changes intersections you will know for your travels in advance just in case you need to change them for any reason or add time to your travels. We know for the next several months it’s going to be very hard to navigate from north to south but we hope that you will have the same kindness and patience with us as we work with many other companies to complete this project.
Lastly, PLEASE don’t forget to support our local businesses. They need our support more than ever.”